Fiber craft personal goals

A love of fiber opens the door to more possibilities that I'll ever be able to practice in my lifetime.  But here is my list of personal goals that I want to make sure I try, which I fully expect to change over time.  I've grouped them into general categories of "now," "soon" and "someday," with no particular order in the subcategories. 

create a full inventory of my fiber stash (in progress!)
get fiber WIPs under control (in progress!)
organize/wash all fleeces in my stash
fractal spinning
spin 100% silk yarn
knit socks from my handspun yarn
small rug hooking project
knit my first lace shawl
knit sweaters for my dogs
knit an adult sized sweater
needle felting project
practice English long-draw drafting technique
explore all whorls & tension settings on my wheel
set up my home dye lab
enter my handspun yarn into a fair/festival competition

practice Margaret Stove's fine spinning techniques
learn to spin on a supported spindle
learn to spin short, downy luxury fibers
learn to weave on a rigid heddle loom
try spinning on a great wheel
wet felting project
tatted lace scarf
publish YouTube videos of my fiber work
teach a class on wool prep & spinning
open my own online fiber store

enter my handspun yarn into a fair/festival competition